How are student emails and their email password formatted?
The student logs into Chrome with their student email. Their email has ten-digits in front of the "@", like this: . The student email digits are the student ID in PowerSchool. Their student password is the same ten digits.
How to sync your Google Chrome email account
Here is the link to a video that shows you the process.
KAM: How to add the "LNG COPIER"
Kammann site ONLY. The following steps: How to add the "LNG-COPIER"
Red Cat
Red Cat Training Presentation
Greetings SCESD Staff,Please click on the URL to be redirected to the Red Cat Training Presentation. Dept.Created on 9/20/20, Created by Roberto Ocampo
Red Cat Microphone Not Working
Clever Badges
Printing Out Clever Badges [School Tech Lead]
To Print out an Individual Badge:1. Once logged into your Clever account, search for the student name in the Search Bar and select the student from the list2. Select Support Tools > Download Clever Badge as PDF To Print out School Wide Set of Clever Badges:1. Once logged into your Clever account...
Printing Out Clever Badges [District Help Desk]
This article is intended for those that have District access in Clever. Navigate to our Clever website Select Log in with Google and sign in with your District provided email address At the top-right, select Dashboard At the top-left, use the Search Bar to search for a student Select ...